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Student Voice and School Council

The opportunity for our pupils to make a positive difference to our school community...

Secondary School
Student Voice has been running since 2021, having replaced our Secondary school council. Each of the six groups is led by a couple of Year 11 pupils and has a representative from each year, who are elected by their peers annually. The groups meet regularly and discuss anything relevant to their brief, whether it be feedback from their peers or new ideas of how to enhance what we are doing as a school. Minutes of meetings are taken and shared with school leadership.


This group reflects on how we can ensure that our staff and pupils are looking after the environment in our day to day practices, considering how eco-friendly we are as a school community and how we might be able to improve what we are currently doing.

God has made us as unique individuals. In light of that, this group discusses how included, welcome and respected our pupils do actually feel and comes up with ideas of how we can celebrate and honour the rich diversity there is within our school community.

The safety of our pupils is the school's no.1 priority and therefore this group, bringing us the pupil view, is crucial in ensuring that our school environment is a safe one for all, whether that be related to the physical site we're on, pupil interactions or online safety.

Click here to see our eSafety poster.

The learning group provides a valuable forum for feedback from our pupils about the learning process, reflecting on what works best in the classroom and what we might be able to do to enhance the learning environment for our staff & pupils. 

The area of well-being, especially with regard to mental health, has been at the forefront of national discussions in recent years, and so too with our student voice group as they look at how we can ensure that everyone thrives at The King's School.

As a school we are keen to have a positive impact on the world around us, whether that be locally or globally. The impact group looks at this very challenge, considering small and large scale plans to increase our impact on our local community and beyond.

Primary School

The Primary School has an elected School Council who meet to discuss aspects of school life and to work together on projects.

Their current project is to look at enhancing our playground facilities. School Councillors collect ideas from their classes and report them back to the main meetings. With adult guidance, they then sort through the ideas and decide on the next steps.

Every child in the Primary School has a voice and their ideas are welcomed. All the children know that they can bring ideas and suggestions to Mrs Edmonds, Head of Primary, at any time. Mrs Edmonds also meets with the Foundation Class so that they have the opportunity to give their ideas too.

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