Primary School
Homework is set throughout the Primary School, at an age-appropriate
level. This may be reading or spelling, or a research-based task. Older
children will get more regular homework. All homework should be
given priority and done under the supervision of parents, who should
check the general standard and neatness. In addition, there may be
times when children are asked to complete a task at home that was
started in school.
Secondary School
All Secondary School pupils have set homework each day. Year 7 will start with up to 20-30 minutes per subject per night, and this will increase each year until Years 10 and 11, who will be expected to spend up to 45 minutes per subject per night. Each day pupils may receive set homework for up to 3 subjects per night. See the Homework Diary for 2023/24 here. Homework is set on Microsoft Teams, and can be viewed there, via an individual pupil's login, by clicking on the 'Assignments' tab.