All members of the School are expected to honour and uphold the ethos of The King’s School
to maintain a secure Christian environment.​
General Code of Conduct for Primary Pupils
As Primary pupils we will...
Treat each other fairly.
Show a good standard of behaviour which considers others, both in and around the School, at all times.
Listen carefully to instructions in lessons.
Try our best in all activities.
Always show respect for peers and adults in all situations.
Show respect for the property of others.
Respect and take care of our School buildings and grounds at all times.
Show consideration for others by keeping quiet when moving through the School.
Always try to keep safe and follow instructions given for safety. This includes during school lesson times and when outside the confines of the classroom. It also includes not leaving the school grounds without permission.
Keep the correct school uniform code.
General Code of Conduct for Secondary Pupils
As a Secondary pupils, we recognise that The King’s School is a place where we can learn, alongside others, in a secure Christian environment. To enable such learning, we will endeavour to...
Honour and uphold the Christian ethos of The King’s School.
Be punctual for school (arrive before 8:50am) and for lessons.
Wear my uniform correctly.
Have the correct equipment and books for lessons.
Remain quiet in corridors and on staircases. Greet staff and visitors. Wait outside the classroom until asked to go in by a staff member.
Respect our learning environment, using equipment carefully and keeping classrooms and locker areas tidy and organised.
Listen attentively when staff and others are speaking.
Put care and effort into both class work and homework, ensuring that it is handed in on time.
Show respect to staff and other pupils, being obedient when given an instruction by a staff member.
Be positive about the achievements myself of others.
Online Code of Conduct for Primary & Secondary Pupils